TNPAWS Registration Form
Fields highlighted in yellow are required

Please Complete the form below to create your User Profile. For your protection, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development requires an individual User Name and Password to access secure and confidential information.

It is not necessary to register for a new user name in order to file reports for an additional employer/account number. You may use one user name for all organizations/accounts for which you are reporting.

User Name for Login: (Must be 5-10 chars.) HELP
Password for Login:(Must be 5-10 chars.) HELP
Repeat Password: (For verification) HELP
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
E-mail Address:
State Account Number:
(No dash or space needed.)
Access Code:   
Misrepresentation of your information, misuse of State Account Numbers or Access Codes, and misrepresentation of your right to file on behalf of an employer are illegal.  For security of your information,  do not share your User Name or Password with any other person.